Friday, March 30, 2012

I think I might live

It's been a week since my dental surgery and I've learned a few things.
1)My family cannot seem to function without me.They don't know where anything is,how to load/unload anything,how to pick up after themselves.In short, if something happens to me they are in BIG trouble.
2)Percoset is a most wonderful drug.Not only did it reduce my pain, but it made me not give a crap about #1.
3)It's amazing how I can be on antibiotics and still get the crud that my oldest son had.Didn't I tell that kid not to breathe on me?
4)When I had dental surgery,my jaws are sore.My teeth are sore.I look like I've been in a fight..and lost.
5)Because my jaws/mouth/teeth are sore,I won't want to eat.Even when I do eat,it'll have to be something like soup or pudding.I lost 10 pounds.
6)TMI-All of these painkillers will make you constipated.
7)Your four year old child will not care about any of this because he's only thinking about going to the park.

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