Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Can I get a little motivation please?

I need to go out to the playhouse and get to work taking pictures.It's sunny outside and the weather is nice.Come on, motivation-where are you?? I'd probably make alot more money if I was just more consistent about listing. The money would be nice too. My husband says we need to get a new  radiator for the car..and a timing belt...and the girl needs new glasses..and I need new contacts..and the list goes on and on and on.
Ok, there's a little motivation..what else you got?. Oh I know,the playhouse is full of treasures to list and I told myself that I had to go on a thrift diet until I made some room for new items.I could be missing out on new stuff at Goodwill because I haven't listed this stuff yet.
Wait,the house isn't clean? All that housework will still be there when you're finished taking pictures,weighing,and measuring a bunch of stuff.Then you can alternate listing and cleaning.
What, I'm tired?You know who is not tired? The four year old and he's not going to let me sleep either.Might as well take some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Come on you can do it. Set small goals. Like so you feel you are accomplishing something. Like 5 per day. You can do that easy.
