Friday, July 13, 2012

New Opportunities

Sorry I've been gone so long...not that I've had alot to post about. My Ebay sales have been close to non-existant.Just abysmal.I'm trying not to take it personally since almost everyone's having a slump, but it's very discouraging.
I've been eating healthy and working out more since I've gotten the walking boot off my foot(down 18 pounds-woohoo!).The tendons still get pretty tender after I've been doing stuff all day,but it's way better than it was before.The doctor said that tendons are the slowest to heal-it could take up to six months.All I can do is make sure I wear my brace when working out, try not to overdo it,ibuprofin, elevate/ice at the end of the day.The workouts have been pretty intense,but I'm training for my black belt test in December.
I've also been busy with the kids just enjoying the summer.Karate, water fights, sleepovers, fireworks, museum,swimming,cookouts,driving lessons...we're on summer time.No school.No schedules.No tests(except for the Driver Permit test my 15 year old took).They're getting so big.
    How did I get to be the mother of two teenagers and a four year old?Weren't they just babies?
Onto the reason for my post...New Opportunities.As I said,my Ebay sales have been terrible.I've been selling some things for a friend lately and taking a commission.This friend happens to be an accountant for a firm that has several nursing homes.They've got a ton of equipment that they've just updated and now they've got several storage units of things like phone systems,servers,etc. that they want to sell.She said that the last phone system she bought for the company was $100,000.Her boss wanted to know if she knew anyone that sold stuff on Craigslist or Ebay.Ding, ding, ding!!! ME!!!She said I can do it at my own pace and set my own hours since it'll be a commission job.
It's still not set in stone yet, but hopefully this is something I can do.Fingers crossed and prayers said.


  1. I hope your sales pickup soon. Mine have been terrible too, and I know how it can bring you down. But those equipment sales for your friend sound like a sure-fire thing!!! Hopefully it will bring you in some $$ for commission. I've got my fingers crossed for you.

  2. Money is money even if it's commission money. I hope it goes well for you. Sales are slow for most people (including me) right now.
