Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Snow People

The piles around and on my craft table were at a natural disaster level for quite a while.It was so messy that I didn't even feel creative. I finally couldn't take it anymore and spent all Saturday cleaning,purging, and organizing my space. It's amazing what a good clean-up will do for your creativity! I made this after I had everything tidy.
I had gotten a set of round knitting looms several months and tried to make a scarf.
Knitting loom + Only one skein of white fuzzy yarn= a tube scarf that's too short to tie around my neck.
So when I found my yarn tube under a pile of fabric,I knew what I wanted to make.
                                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Snow
First,I got six styrofoam balls and covered four of them with various scraps of batting. Then I tied off the middle of the tube with two rubber bands and cut the tube in half.Secure each ball in the tube with rubber bands.
At this point,I realized my snow people were not going to stand up on their own-too floppy.So I took two dowel rods and jammed them down the centers.Ahh,much better.
I cut two circles of cardboard out for the bottoms.I wanted them to have some weight so they'd stand up so I glued several metal washers to the cardboard before I attached the tube around it.
Add scarves and hats made from a stained sweater,flowers,snoflakes,and buttons for the face and body.
I tried to use branches from the tree in the front yard,but it didn't look right so I cut pieces off of a grapevine wreath and they're perfect little arms.

The best part about this project was that I used stuff  I already had in my stash, so basically it's FREE.

I love how they turned out.Can't wait to use them in my Christmas decorating.


  1. So fun that you are already prepping for Christmas! Adorable snowmen.
    I am participating in a giveaway this week you might like.

    1. Thanks! I'm just trying to reduce my craft stash before it gets to hoarder level.
      I signed up for your giveaway-that apron is adorable!

  2. They are so cool, pun intended. I want to make some!

    1. They are so easy.You could substitute a thrifted scarf for the tube and wad up scraps of fabric or orphan socks that are laying around for the styrofoam balls.It's all about using what you have.
