Monday, August 6, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Have you ever seen that commercial where the dad is buying school supplies while "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing?  Yep, I'm that parent.
Today was the first day of school for my big kids-they're now in the 8th and 11th grades.It seems like yesterday they were little and loading their supplies up in their princess and Spongebob backpacks.
My four year old was none too happy about being left behind and tried to cheer himself up by getting into his brother and sister's things(he knows an opportunity when he sees one,lol).He also announced that he needed to go to the store so he could get a doughnut(or as he says "doo-nut")Next year he'll be in kindergarten--woohoo!!
I finally braved the heat and organized the playhouse a little.It was over 100 degrees-I was a hot mess when I came back in .I brought a couple of full boxes inside and did the whole photograph,weigh, measure thing.Some of the more interesting items I listed include:
This vintage beaded & sequined owl Christmas ornament.It's really well made and is even beaded on the back.I did remove the wire ornament hanger at the top because it looked like it was starting to rust-I'll just add fishing line to hang.
This sweet vintage angel tree topper.I like that she's a redhead.She even has her original Montgomery Ward box.
This vintage set of sequin and felt Christmas ornaments based on the Cinderella story.See Prince Charming holding Cinderella's slipper?
And last but not least, a passel of these 10" vintage inflatable turkeys.Sold one within a couple of hours of listing-I've got 9 left.They remind me of WKRP-remember when someone decided to release live turkeys from a helicopter and were horrified to learn that turkeys couldn't fly?LOL
Did anyone notice a theme in my listing?Yeah, my holiday shelf is right by the door and it's what I could grab without extra effort(and sweating).


  1. The WKRP reference had me cracking up. Shannon LOVES that show, and I can't stand it. That episode was funny though, I must admit.

    1. "As God as my witness...I thought turkeys could fly."LOL
