Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Giving Up

I've decided to do something drastic. I'm going to give up (gulp) diet soda-namely Diet Dr. Pepper and Sonic Diet Cokes.My friends who know me will say, 'Who is this person and what have they done to Marla?' Seriously, I drink it, or used to drink it, ALL the time.From morning to night. Why did I suddenly decide to go cold turkey?
1.I was drinking four or five cans of Diet Dr. Pepper and then a Route 44 Diet Coke from Sonic on top of that.I had gone to excess.Addicted is more like it.I would obsess about how many cans I had left.
2. I started adding up the money I spend on diet soda and soda every week.If I include the soda I was buying for the kids it was adding to over $30 a week.Seriously??
3.I include the soda I bought for the kids because I didn't want them drinking MY soda.I started noticing my older son's garbage can filled with soda cans.I didn't like that I was being a bad example to them.
4.I started feeling blah all the time. A diet soda used to pep me up.Now I felt like it was dragging me down.
5.I think it's hindering my ability to lose weight.I feel like it makes me crave sweet things more.
6.I read a study last night that said people who drink diet sodas every day are four time more likely to have a stroke. A stroke?!? Yikes, no thank you.

I know there are some people who think this is crazy talk.I just know it's something I need to do.I'll keep you all updated.


  1. I have been thinking about doing this too. I will if you will. We can keep each other accountable.

    1. I already started today.My head felt like someone was jackhammering it earlier,but that also coincided with Nathan's fit at the bowling alley.My head's not bad now,I just feel like my mind is in a fog.
