Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Angry vent

Ebay has free listing all week for people who have stores.That means I'll be a busy little beaver trying to get as much as I can listed/relisted.I want to get my Ebay playhouse thinned out plus we could really use the money(insurance payments and deductables are a bitch).I've promised myself a leisurely day of yard saling Saturday if I can get a ton of stuff listed.
The husband is always asking how much money is in our Paypal account.Seriously?!I don't know what pisses me off more, the fact that he refers to it as "our" account or the fact that he expects a ton of money in there. If I didn't have to transfer money over all the time to pay bills,groceries, or gas "we" probably would have a nice chunk of change in there.He keeps saying I should list more, but he lays up in the bed every morning until almost 12 (and he leaves for work at 1).That leaves me making sure the four year old stays out of trouble for most of my long ass day. Arrrgh-sometimes I just want to smack him.
He asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day-I want to be left alone. I want a whole day where I'm not responsible for the well being of any children and then I don't want him to act like a fucking martyr because he took one day and took care of HIS kids.And his day shouldn't start at noon.
Sorry this post is so whiney..just had to vent so I don't go all postal on him.


  1. Update on angry vent:He got up at 10:30 this morning,got his tools out, and finally fixed the window on my car.A few weeks ago, the regulator on my passenger window had busted so the inside panel was off and plastic was holding it up.He's had the part since Saturday-I'm glad it's finally fixed and he had Nathan be his little helper to keep him out of my hair while I listed stuff.

  2. Holy crap Are you married to my husband??? My hubby thinks I have millions in my paypal but doesn't realize a huge chunk goes to cover fees and inventory. If I don't have things to list, I can't get any sales. Hope you had a good Mother's Day. I wanted to be left alone too but that didn't happen

  3. Thank you!! We should start a club or something, lol.Does your hubby get pissy when you go yardsaling too?
    My Mother's Day was bleh.The four year old woke me up early. My daughter was the only one who voluntarily, without any prompting, wished me a 'Happy Mother's Day'.I think the highlight was when I went out and bought my own Mother's day present.Oh well.

  4. Yes he gets pissy I don't have a car so my sister usually takes me to Goodwill My hubby doesn't understand you have to buy inventory to get sales. He think I have enough stuff but I tell him you need new stuff to attract buyers. No one wants to look at the same crap month after month. I certainly don't
